EAS Quarterly Newsletter
Report from the Presidents
Evolutionary Anthropology Society Members,
We hope you’re enjoying the end of the school year and the start of summer. We’ve been hard at work getting ready for this fall’s AAA meetings in San Jose. It’s shaping up to be a great meeting for EAS with three sessions already confirmed. And, with conference scheduling having just begun, more great sessions will be on their way soon! Here’s what we have in store so far:
“Open Science and the Anthropological Imagination— Resilience and Adaptation amidst a Global Crisis in Replication and Scientific Practice” has been accepted as an Executive Session by the AAA program committee. Organized by Mary Shenk & Jeremy Koster, the session will feature flash presentations and discussion by Bret Beheim, H. Russell Bernard, Daniel Hruschka, Jeremy Koster, Melanie Martin, Lisa McAllister, Elspeth Ready, Pete Richerson, Paul Smaldino, Leonid Tiokhin, and Deborah Winslow.
“Ages and Stages: Child learning, exploration, and helping behaviors in foraging and transitioning populations” has been accepted as an Invited Session by EAS. The session includes talks and discussion by Helen Davis, Alyssa Crittenden, Elizabeth Cashdan, Sheina Lew-Levy, Michelle Scalise Sugiyama, Karen Kramer, and Larry Sugiyama.
“Updating our Understanding of Economic Games: innovations, complications and interpretations” has been accepted as an Invited Session by EAS. The session includes talks and discussion by Curtis Atkisson, Cristina Moya, Nicole Naar, Jeff Andrews, and Monique Borgerhoff Mulder.
Enjoy your summer—and get in touch if you have things you’d like to share! We’ll be back in September with some more annual meeting updates and other announcements of interest.
The EAS Presidents
Mary Shenk, Brooke Scelza & Pete Richerson
Upcoming Conferences
HBES 2018 will be in Amsterdam July 4th-July 7th, 2018. Register here
The society for Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health (ISEMPH) have announced their 4th annual meeting this year in Park City, Utah, August 1-4, 2018
The International association for the cognitive science of religion IACSR 2018 Conference is being held 12-16 August, 2018 in Boston, MA. Information can be found here
Register for AAA 2018 in San Jose, California. Conference will be held November 14th-18th, 2018.
Recent Member Publications
Low perceived control over health is associated lower treatment uptake in high mortality population of Bolivian forager-farmers
By: Sarah Alami, Jonathan Stieglitz, Hillard Kaplan, & Michael Gurven
Childrens reasoning with peers in cooperative and competitive contexts
By: Andreas Domberg, Bahar Köymen & Michael Tomasello
“Every Tradesman Must Also Be a Merchant”: Behavioral Ecology and Household-Level Production for Barter and Trade in Premodern Economies
By: Kathryn Demps & Bruce Winterhalder
Family ties: the multilevel effects of households and kinship on the networks of individuals
By: Jeremy Koster
Chimpanzees and Human Evolution
By: Martin N. Muller, Richard W. Wrangham, & David R. Pilbeam
Palgrave studies on the anthropology of childhood and youth
By: David Lancy
Coevolution of the landesque capital intensive agriculture and sociopolitical hierarchy
By: Oliver Sheehan, Joseph Watts, Russel D. Gray, & Quentin D. Atkinson
Sex differences in political leadership in an egalitarian society
By: Chris Von Rueden, Sarah Alami, Hillard Kaplan, & Michael Gurven
The origin and expansion of Pama-Nyugan languages across Australia
By: Remco R. Bouckaert, Claire Bowern, & Quentin D. Atkinson
Family and fertility: does kin help influence women’s fertility, and does this vary worldwide?
By: Rebecca Sear
Material security, life history, and moralistic religions: A cross-cultural examination
By: Benjamin Grant Purzycki, Cody T. Ross, Coren Apicella, Quentin D. Atkinson, Emma Cohen, Rita Anne McNamara, Aiyana K. Willard, Dimitris Xygalates, Ara Norenzayan, Joseph Henrich
Estimating impacts of the nuclear family and heritability of nutritional outcomes in a boat-dwelling community
By: Kathrine E. Starkweather & Monica H. Keith
Sustainability of minority culture when inter-ethnic interaction is profitable
By: John A. Bunce & Richard McElreath
Group-level competition influences urinary steroid hormones among wild red-tailed monkeys, indicating energetic costs
By: Adrian V. Jaeggi, Benjamin C. Trumble, & Michelle Brown
Atherosclerosis as manifest by thoracic aortic calcium: insights from a remote native population with extremely low levels of coronary atherosclerosis and traditional CV risk factors
By: Randall C. Thompson, Benjamin C. Trumble, Michael Gurven, Chris J. Rowan, Katherine M. Walsworth, Frances Neunuebel, Adel H. Allam, Bruno Frohlich, Samuel Wann, David E. Michalik, M. Linda Sutherland, James Sutherland, Guido P. Lombardi, Bret Beheim, Jonathan Steiglitz, Jagat Narula, James K. Min, Caleb Finch, Gregory Thomas, and Hillard Kaplan
Health sector involvement in the management of female genital mutilation/cutting in 30 countries
By: R. Elise B. Johansen, Mai Maghoub Ziyada, Bettina Shell-Duncan, & Adriana Marcusàn Kaplan
Anthropology News
Recap of 2017 EAS at the AAA Annual Meeting
By: Kathrine Starkweather and Melanie Martin
Evolutionary Anthropology Programs V Melanie Martin
Black mothers are dying: the toll of racism on maternal health Wrenetha A. Julion